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TAB FusionRMS Blog

How to Successfully Implement RIM Software – Part 2
How to Successfully Implement RIM Software – Part 2

In our last blog post we shared secrets to success for implementing records management software. These lessons from the front lines included: assembling a diverse project implementation team participating passionately in the process. In this week’s blog post, we continue our lessons learned, exploring the hybrid environment, electronic records and change management. STRATEGY 3: EMBRACE…

How to Successfully Implement RIM Software – Part 1
How to successfully implement RIM software – Part 1

Records management software isn’t something you can pull off the shelf and start using right away. It requires careful planning and implementation to deliver the maximum value. In a two-part blog post, we share five strategies that our clients have used to ensure a successful implementation of records management software. The insights and lessons will…

How metadata supercharges your RIM Software
How metadata supercharges your RIM Software

Metadata is a key factor in the success of all software systems, and this is especially true with records and information management (RIM) software. Without certain kinds of metadata, the RIM system is like a library without indexing – a great place for storing things, but ultimately useless because people cannot locate what they are…

what is mobile records management?
What is mobile records management, and why does it matter?

You may not have heard the term very often, but we are nevertheless on the cusp of a new era: the era of mobile records management. What is mobile records management? At TAB, we define mobile records management as a set of activities, including accessing tracking, organizing and managing information, that are carried out using…

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