
TAB FusionRMS Blog

Bill Barrett Corporation: 6 secrets for digitizing energy records – Part 2
Bill Barrett Corporation: 6 secrets for digitizing energy records – Part 2

In last week’s blog post we focused on a digitization project with Bill Barrett Corporation, one of North America’s leading oil and natural gas exploration and production companies. The Bill Barrett Corporation project highlights several important takeaways for organizations looking to digitize records and move toward electronic workflows. In last week’s blog post we discussed…

Bill Barrett Corporation: 6 secrets for digitizing energy records – Part 1
Bill Barrett Corporation: 6 secrets for digitizing energy records – Part 1

When Bill Barrett Corporation wanted to improve access to their energy records, they chose TAB FusionRMS as the cornerstone for their solution. However, choosing the right records management software was only one of the factors that delivered a highly successful outcome. In a two-part blog post we highlight six secrets to success of this project….

Why TAB FusionRMS?
Coming Soon: FusionRMS 10

TAB is pleased to announce the upcoming launch of TAB FusionRMS 10. Set for full public release later in 2017, FusionRMS 10 includes major enhancements to improve the way you work with records and information. The latest version includes: an all-new, easy-to-use interface for users and administrators official support for more major browsers (Chrome, Safari,…

Join the FusionRMS 10 Early Adopter Program
Join the FusionRMS 10 early adopter program

FusionRMS 10 is scheduled for full public release in July 2017, but you don’t have to wait that long to start enjoying the new version. As an exclusive offer to select clients, the early adopter program gives you early access to all the great new features of FusionRMS 10, including: an all-new, easy-to-use interface for…

How to Successfully Implement RIM Software – Part 2
How to Successfully Implement RIM Software – Part 2

In our last blog post we shared secrets to success for implementing records management software. These lessons from the front lines included: assembling a diverse project implementation team participating passionately in the process. In this week’s blog post, we continue our lessons learned, exploring the hybrid environment, electronic records and change management. STRATEGY 3: EMBRACE…

How to Successfully Implement RIM Software – Part 1
How to successfully implement RIM software – Part 1

Records management software isn’t something you can pull off the shelf and start using right away. It requires careful planning and implementation to deliver the maximum value. In a two-part blog post, we share five strategies that our clients have used to ensure a successful implementation of records management software. The insights and lessons will…

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